
胜博发娱乐app下载 is the largest association of retired government employees in the United States and is the primary voice and committed advocate for North Carolina’s retired public servants. Currently, 胜博发娱乐app下载 advocates for the following:

2024 Proposed Advocacy Goals

  1. Advocate for annual cost of living adjustments for all state and local government retirees.
  2. Strengthen and protect the state’s defined benefit plan to attract and retain the best and brightest public servants.
  3. Defend public sector benefits so all public sector retirees can participate in traditional retirement systems.
  4. Ensure the State of North Carolina will continue to fulfill its constitutional and legal requirements to fully fund North Carolina Retirement Systems and the State Health Plan.
  5. Expand the Bailey tax exemption for state and local retirees and pursue other tax exemption opportunities for government retirees.

胜博发娱乐app下载 Advocacy Agenda

Our 胜博发娱乐app下载 Advocacy agenda is created every biennium and reviewed annually by our Board of Directors and our Government Relations Committee prior to the start of the General Assembly’s long session. Long sessions occur in odd-numbered years and short sessions in subsequent even-numbered years.

Because the lobbying goals of the association trend around similar issues: healthcare, pension sustainability, cost of living adjustments for retirees, among others – our advocacy priorities and goals do not often fluctuate in subject, but in subject matter. In more recent years, achieving progress toward our advocacy goals has become more complex due to the changing political tides and conflicts that make them increasingly more difficult to accomplish.

Our Government Relations team is the lobbying arm of 胜博发娱乐app下载. Our lobbyists team and Government Relations Committee are responsible for carrying out the advocacy goals and agenda as created and adopted by the 胜博发娱乐app下载 Board of Directors.


The 2023-24 Government Relations Committee of the North Carolina Retired Governmental Employee's Association

The Association is composed of members of our Board of Directors who are appointed by the President. This Committee is responsible for reviewing proposed legislation, recommending advocacy goals for the Association to the Executive Committee, and working with representatives of the retirement systems and the General Assembly to improve legislation to retired local and state governmental employees.

Legislative News & Updates

CLICK TO WATCH! YouTube video channel for 胜博发娱乐app下载 legislative updates

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